lørdag 10. oktober 2015

From this Point Arises Everything...

Humans are like fish in water, they know only about the water, and in fact they don't know even about the water.

So the fish are like humans in this 3D world, they only know about this 3D world and they dont know that they are in this world.

They are not in touch with their inner being... they are not in touch with their real feelings... with the beauty in them self... with this inner core. 

They don't know who they really are.

This is what awakening actually all about... it is all about begin to understand... begin to come in touch with who you really are. 

Come in touch with the beauty inside you and your own power and from this point arises everything ... from this point we create everything…

…and that is my song…

...and so it is.

søndag 4. oktober 2015

That bloody Veil...

I have heard it again and again that it is the brain… that all is in the brain and still I have not understood. Something in me has not been able to take it, but now it could sink in and be a part of me… be a part of my whole being.

And now I can see that this bloody Veil is not about something outside me but it is about something within, it is in my head. Suddenly I understand… I can see that this veil is all about judging, analyzing, be a part of all this drama outside me AND in fact inside of me …. And that all this is, like an fog that block the view, and don’t misunderstand… it is not the view outside of me but it is all about the view inside of me.

So this veil was not at all about a carpet hanging in front of my eyes that had to be lifted up so I could see into another dimension. What a silly game that is and now I can laugh about it. For actually the reality is indeed so much crazier than that.

For as I have written about lately, I have experienced that when I stopped judging, stop analyzing, stop being a part of all this dualistic games that going on… AND stop ALL of that... then my mind became silent. And like I mention in my last blog (I think it was) when I listened to that material I talked about it was like I finally could take it… that I finally could take this last step.

The last days I feel my view is in becoming clearer, and I also understand that this vail also is this separation from All That Is. That it has been in my mind is that has held me away from me myself… away from All That Is.

And I can also feel that my brain now more and more can do what it is meant to do, that it can translate this wisdom I now feel is coming through  me so I can understand it and also can put word on it.

When I finally took this last step then I also experience that thing started to happen very quickly.

And the shoud (Crimson Circle.com) yesterday… wooow… THAT is crazy… and I feel ready.

I am that I am…

I am…

torsdag 1. oktober 2015

Out of the Box...

For some reason I feel this massage shall be on English so I will try to do so. Anyway it will be a good training for me.

In the last days now I can feel I have created my own space round me so I could truly feel my energy and not so many others energy. And I recently found some material (Mastering the Grand Illusions on theraisingway.com) on internet which I have listened at this last days.

First I have to tell... for some time ago I realized that my need for define anything or shall I rather say the mind need for define and analyze ting and also to judge anything held me in this reality or 3D or this prison, in this box, in this very, very small space. The devil is known by many names you know 

…and after that I released this... thing started to change very quickly or shall I say… thing fall apart very quickly and all started to be very, very quiet. And my need to discuss, analyze and even talk about thing started to disappear.

So in this summer everything have been so quiet for me, and I have wonder what next… and I have had a feeling inside me that I now really Is There and still I did not understand. I felt it was something… a feeling about still holding on to this thin, thin thread.

…and now this last days in my own space while I have listen on this message from this Imzaia group about Mastering the Grand Illusions, I suddenly realized that I was only a little step from getting out of this box… this limit reality. Suddenly I so it.

And I took it… and I could really feel it in my whole being… I took it without any doubt. And the day after… I can`t remember… but it don’t matter. But I think it was the day after when I went to bed at that evening, I could feel it was like all the cells in my whole body was turning around and could still feel it  when I woke up yesterday morning.

And I can now put into words how I feel, because now I can more understand that I don’t “thinking” with my brain anymore but I am “thinking” with my heart or shall I say the area around my heart. That is how I can explain this at the moment. And when I do that I am always in the moment… always… and it is not possibly to not be there.

…AND I know this is only the beginning….

… AND so It Is…

I really Love You All…

I Am That I Am…

I Am…